USA, Bloomington, Indiana State University, 2018

I am influenced by graffiti and its symbiotic relationship to industrial and abandoned buildings. I find these mysterious and resilient structures reflect qualities I see in myself. They maintain their stature and I find this powerful because my work reflects connections between architecture and the human body.  Although life may be difficult and leave its scars, the structures still stand in defiance of destructive events.

Grey ghosting, the act of covering graffiti with grey primer, is a phenomenon referenced as a metaphor for scars on the physical and mental body. It is referenced directly from my body as well.  The port wine stain on my neck will always remind me of my mother, who passed away when I was very young. She would kiss the red portion of my neck as a goodbye. Now this stain on my neck acts as a residual scar of remembrance, a grey ghosting that is not covering but it’s residual existence acts as a reminder.

Using visual cues, I am expanding my ideas about the communication of such scars. 

Intro by Marzee
Admiraal de Ruijterweg 345H
The Netherlands

t: +31 (0)614408106

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Wednesday – Saturday  12:00pm – 6:00pm

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