USA, Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, 2017
All material carries a past, and whether we acknowledge this lineage or not, it exists. It may be to our advantage — as a way of orienting ourselves in our world — to consider the cycles of creation and destruction intrinsic to the objects and materials that surround us. By deliberately pushing material towards its next incarnation, and tracing the history of objects, I simultaneously reach forward and backward, determining my place in the world.
My experience as a jeweller has led me to the understanding that what is true for metal is also true for us: matter is neither lost nor gained. To understand objects and our behaviour concerning materials, I practice the tracing of material histories. This has led me to see that the life of matter is more expansive than our singular lives; it encompasses us.
Through this work I take ownership of my material legacy and create objects that pose questions about materiality, human limits, and what was and will be.
Intro by Marzee Admiraal de Ruijterweg 345H Amsterdam The Netherlands